Review of a Multipurpose Duty-Cycle Modulation Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Leandre Nneme Nnem, Bertrand Moffo Lonla, Gisèle Béatrice Sonfack, Jean Mbihi


This paper presents a review of a multipurpose duty-cycle modulation (DCM) technology. A brief introduction to switching modulation techniques is presented for the sake of well understanding of the innovative nature of the DCM architecture to be reviewed. The review is organized into numerous relevant application areas, including DCM-based instrumentation systems (i.e., DCM-based analog-to-digital conversion, DCM-based digital-to-analog conversion), DCM-based power electronic drivers (i.e. DCM-based Buck converters, DCM-based Boost converters, DCM-based power electronic inverters), and DCM-based digital transmission systems for arbitrary waveforms. Furthermore, the state-of-art evaluation  as well as new research opportunities about the multipurpose DCM technology, are provided in order to outline possible patentable DCM control systems, to be dedicated in the future to electrical and electronics engineering  markets.

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