Delta 3D Printer: Metal Printing

Sadiq Ur Rehman, Muhammad Hasnain Raza, Ahmad Raza Khan


Now a day’s 3D printing is a very common process used in industry, the common name being used for this object is “rapid prototyping”. The key advantage of a 3D printer is that it allows producing a prototype in a very short time, which is checked and soon after remodeled, significantly minimizing the required time to get from the prototype stage to the ultimate result. The Personal 3D printer will touch many facets of our daily lives. The basic aim is to bring this technology in under developing country like Pakistan is at low cost and to make it easily available for everyone for their everyday use. Delta type 3D printer is faster than the other printers available in the market and can save user time and cost of printing product. By making a user-friendly Delta 3D Printer, users will be able to digitalize their imagination and make it in the real world by using the printer. In this paper, brief understanding, experimental setup, simulation and results of metal printing using a metal Polylactic Acid (PLA) is presented. A prototype model is proposed with the objective that the model should enable different features based on which possible testing experiments can be performed. Moreover, the Prototype model will work as a simulation system in which the user can play with the selection of different real-time parameters of the selected application and feature to see under which conditions best results can obtain. In making this printer we aim of achieving the objectives like making it affordable, efficient, user-friendly, available to the local market, making it reliable, fully customizable and portable.

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