Fuzzy sliding mode control of a shunt active power filter for harmonic reduction in grid-connected photovoltaic systems
This paper presents the design of a fuzzy sliding mode control (Fuzzy-SMC) of shunt active power filter (SAPF) for harmonics reduction in grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems. In the proposed controller, the dynamics parameters of sliding mode controller (SMC) are determined by the fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The SMC is based on a sliding plane and no longer requires the discontinuous component of the classical SMC. The results obtained by the computer simulations carried out by MATLAB/Simulink software are compared with those obtained with hysteresis and sliding mode controls. In the case where the power of the PV generator is higher than that of the load, the load is supplied by the PV generator and the surplus energy is injected into the grid. After connection of the filter, the current supplying to the load goes from a THD of 22.33% to 0.29% with the proposed controller, compared to the 0.98% obtained with the SMC or the 0.95% obtained with the hysteresis. In the case where the power of the PV generator is lower than that of the load, the load is fed by both the grid and the PV generator. The current obtained after filtering has a THD of 2.77% with the proposed controller.
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