Fuzzy Logic based Technique for Distributed Wireless Sensor Network
This paper, a fuzzy logic based technique has been implemented to enhance the data delivery time and energy management capacity in a distributed wireless sensor network (WSN). A fuzzy logic system based on Mamdani model in the MATLAB simulation tool was implemented for distributed WSN using two input variables –status and message and one output variable –decision. The results of the simulation showed that by varying the packet size to be 1500 bit , 2500 bit, 5000 bit, 7500 bit and 10000 bit, the delivery time achieved were 1140 seconds, 1220 seconds, 3049 seconds, 3480 seconds and 4036 seconds. The total energy with respect to the packet size was 499.9321 J, 661.0480 J, 1948 J, 2272 J and 2380 J respectively. The use of fuzzy logic system ensures that not all the nodes transmit packet in accordance to logical condition required by a node to discard or continue to deliver data
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