Shannmukha Naga Raju Vonteddu, Ravindra Kollu, Prasanthi Kumari Nunna


Fuel cell vehicles are one of the main alternatives to conventional vehicles, as new technologies make them more commercially viable. In this context, this work presents some energy management strategies applicable to fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles based on a dynamic model, which allows the performance evaluation and comparison with vehicles powered by internal combustion engines. The model includes a fuel cell stack, batteries, an induction motor, and vehicle mechanics. The driver's reactions are monitored by a PI controller, the electric motor is controlled by a slip mode algorithm, and power management is performed subject to constraints such as fuel cell efficiency and battery charge level. Energy consumption is comparable to similar light vehicles with internal combustion engines. The results demonstrate the lower fuel consumption of the fuel cell vehicle and the better performance of the hybrid architecture compared to conventional vehicles. In addition, they confirm the usefulness of the model for simulating hybrid electric vehicles and explore different control strategies to obtain better performance.

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