Interactive Educational Platform Integrating Electronic Components into Mathematics Courses for Numerical Computation



This paper proposes the development of an interactive educational platform that integrates electronic components into mathematics courses, emphasizing the use of the MATLAB software environment for numerical computation. The main objectives include investigating and selecting relevant electronic components, evaluating their characteristics, and adapting mathematics courses to parallel the learning of MATLAB. The platform will offer video tutorials, an online forum with an Artificial Intelligence (AI) - based chatbot for additional support, and a secure user authentication system. It aims to facilitate the understanding of complex mathematical concepts through an interactive and practical environment, providing practical advantages such as ease of use, accessible online lessons, and progress tracking for teachers. Users will create accounts and follow lessons in a predetermined order, with evaluations after each lesson to ensure comprehension. This educational platform represents an innovative approach to integrating electronic components into mathematics learning, offering an efficient environment for students of all knowledge levels.

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