Power requirement for maritime transport with ships powered from hybrid zero-emission system

Mihai Oproescu, Nicu Bizon, Alin Gheorghita Mazare, Maria-Simona RABOACA


This paper aims to analyze the specific energy requirements of different types of ships, to develop models of hybrid systems adapted to them and to highlight the benefits of integrating renewable sources, such as photovoltaic energy and hydrogen, with efficient energy storage systems. The objectives of the paper focus on exploring and implementing zero-emission hybrid solutions in shipping, aiming to increase energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact. The paper also aims to provide an economic rationale by calculating deployment costs, depreciation and operational savings, as well as to identify the technological and infrastructure challenges required for the widespread adoption of these innovative technologies. The case studies featured in this article look at the deployment of hybrid systems on ships of different sizes and purposes, including a 5 kW PV-battery yacht and a 2 MW hydrogen-based hybrid tugboat.

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