The Design and Implementation of an Interactive Game-based Application using Augmented Reality Technology

Åžtefan Pavel, Gabriel Radulescu


The rise of devices such as smart phones or tablets has led to the development of feasible applications that allow everyone to access various resources, anytime, anywhere. The flexibility of these devices makes possible the emergence of applications that rely on exploiting the user environment. These include applications from a relatively new field, augmented reality. The augmented reality mobile systems provide services without restricting the user to be in a specially equipped area. Ideally, augmented reality applications work virtually anywhere, adding a palpable layer of information to any medium whenever they want. By doing so, this type of application has the potential to revolutionize how information is presented to people, and the environment is transformed into the user interface. The first part of the present paper provides an overview of augmented reality theory and of the elements that are based on these concepts having the purpose of developing various products. The second part is focusing on the stages that present the implementation and realization of a product based on the theoretical and practical concepts previously developed in the field of study, but the result is an original one. The essence of the work is to improve the interaction between real and virtual objects that can be manipulated, so that this resulting experience is natural and the user is not disturbed by an unnatural interaction with the system, the relationship between real world objects and virtual objects a smooth one. The application must adapt to virtual elements according to the real scene, and all of this must be done in real time so that the user has quality results.

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