Application of Light Fidelity Network for Improved Indoor Wireless Communication System

Promise Elechi, Sunny Orike


Transmission of data is one of the most important day to day activities in this Internet age, hence, the surge in the number of devices which access the Internet. Consequently, this has resulted into congestion in the radio wave spectrum.  Furthermore, radio waves cannot be deployed in EMI-sensitive areas such as hospitals, airplanes, underwater, and some research institutes. Hence, the interest in visible light spectrum as an alternative. This research focuses on the utilization of the visible light spectrum for data communication. It employs line of sight communication between transmitter and receiver for the purpose of transmitting data in form of sound. The method used is experimental and the design is hinged on achieving sound output from the speakers. Experimental and simulation analyses have been conducted based on obstruction to line of sight. An optical wireless transmitter and receiver modules are designed and an optical wireless link is established by using high brightness white LEDs. 

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