Development of a Skin Cancer Detection Classifier using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

Emmanuel Eragbe Sule


In recent times, dermatological diseases pose
one of the biggest medical challenges in the 21st century
resulting in high medical cost and painful diagnostic
procedures (biopsy). Cancer affecting the skin is
commonly referred to as Melanoma. This condition is
curled from the cell that gives rise the disease known as
melanocyte. The most dangerous form of skin cancer is
malignant melanoma but early detection plays an
essential part in its control and cure [1]. In 2018, it was
estimated that about 9,320 deaths resulted from
melanoma. In this work, a computer-based system to
classify histopathological images of skin tissues using
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was implemented on
MATLAB. Performance measures of the proposed
system are encouraging and there is no evidence of over-
fitting. Therefore, an extended version of this classifier
system could be used to assist patients and hospital
pathologists to increase efficiency in healthcare delivery.
Keywords-Melanoma, Diagnostic, Biopsy,
Histopathological, Artificial Neural Network, Classifier

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