A Novel Image Processing Algorithm for Determining the Optimal Base Point of the Screw for Spinal Surgery

Zoltan Tamas Kocsis, Janos Kovacs


In the preparation phase for a spinal surgery doctors usually use CT and MRI images.  Using these images they estimate the size, direction, and placement depth of the screw used for the surgery.  As a result, surgical errors can occur. Therefore, an algorithm for reducing surgical errors is needed for supporting the doctors in finding the optimal location for the surgery. The method developed in our earlier work could determine the contour line and the highest point of the vertebra (called the base point) where the screw should initially be placed.  In this paper, using the Bresenham line drawing method, we will propose a more accurate algorithm for determining the optimal base point, the direction and the extent of movement of the screw for the spinal surgery

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